Wednesday 7 January 2009

The owls are not what they seem...

some things to look forward to / be curious about in January:

* concerts with post-punk legends WIRE and YOUNG MARBLE GIANTS in Leipzig and Berlin (I hereby declare January 09 the month of post-punk!)
* some other good concerts which make it hard to choose which one to go to (Luomo, Animal Collective, ...)
* my first quasi-arctic cinema experience at the UT (with -15°C outside, I'm curious as to how cold it will be inside) and striving for perfect changeovers (the adrenaline will keep me warm I guess)
* a trip to Berlin and hopefully meeting some friends I haven't seen in a while
* a couple of films I want to see (Waltz with Bashir, O'Horten, Jerichow, Let the Right One In)
* "All Tomorrow's Parties"- N.Y. Factory theme party at A. and K.'s place
* trying to blog more regularly (ha ha!) and to get more creative stuff done at last

So, the year starts quite promising actually...

1 comment:

Dziwny said...

Jojo, ein promising New Year. Hab dich gleich mal in meine Blogliste aufgenommen ;-). Grüße aus Prag nach Leipzig!